NEWS: Humping For a Healthy Heart!

I was totally bummed after learning that James Gandolfini passed away this week because of a heart attack at the age of 51. I was a loyal ‘Sopranos’ fan, and honestly in my opinion there was something really sexy and charming about him. RIP, Mr. Gandolfini.

Heart Disease is something that should not be taken lightly, and everyone (men and women) should know their family’s health history, and take the proper initiatives to get their hearts checked out. Knowledge is power. Obviously eating healthy, exercising regularly, and living a life sans extreme cigs and excessive booze is going to help too!

Did you know that sex could reduce your chances of heart disease as well? According to the Daily Telegraph men that have sex at least twice a week can almost cut their chances of heart disease in half. This study included over 1,000 men and showed that “men who indulge in regular lovemaking are up to 45% less likely to develop life-threatening heart conditions than men who have sex once a month or less.” I’ve written articles in the past providing tons of other benefits of love making, you really can’t go wrong with this glorious activity, it’s a win-win situation.

So do yourself a favor, become familiar with your family health history and your own body, put forth effort to be healthful and kind to your body, and last but not least, fuck til your heart’s content! Happy Weekend.

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