NEWS: I think ‘doing’ the robot is back in!

Robots have been around for decades, a fascinating invention that is still exciting but in the same breath, pretty old school. You’ve got R2-D2 from Star Wars, Johnny5 from Short Circuit, and of course Pixar’s beloved WALL-E.  I could nerd-out and name many more but let’s just get back to the subject at hand.

There are tons of reasons why robots were invented; they can’t call into work because of a massive hang-over and I’m sure they’re much more efficient than a human, just to name two. However, I do not believe robots were invented to do the nasty with humans.  Just my personal opinion.

The Huff Post and YouGov conducted a survey to find out how people felt about a significantly robot friendly future. The survey shows that a healthy number of Americans have no qualms about robots assisting with the dreaded tasks of household chores and driving our cars and some said they were even okay with robots helping fight in our wars. The high percentages fell with questions pertaining to robots helping with the elderly and having sex with humans, naturally (thank god).

To sum up the survey: 33% said they wouldn’t mind having a robot servant, 46% percent stated they were okay with robots driving cars, and 9% said they would be open to bonking a robot! The survey went so far as to ask people if they thought having sex with a robot would constitute cheating.  They responded and 42% percent are on the fence with that!

I’m not judging the 9% at all! I’ve had my share of lovers that were pretty robotic in the sheets, so if had the chance to try out robot love I’d definitely want my first session to be with Michael Fassbender’s character, David in Prometheus, daaaaaayyuuuum.

Go to the Huff Post to review the whole survey.

The thought of all this robot love has gotten me a little hot and bothered.  Until that day in the future though I think we can stick to some of the offerings right here at NiteFlirt to satisfy a fantasy or two.  😉


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