NEWS: Important read for the ladies!

Today the magic words are, VAGINA STRENGTH! You read that right, today’s piece is all about how women can strengthen their pelvic floor and in return have the sexual experiences that we all desire! According to the Journal of the American Medical Association ‘43% of women experience sexual issues such as low sexual desire, vaginal dryness, orgasmic dysfunction, difficulty maintaining arousal, and painful intercourse at some point in their lives.’ As a 31-year-old female I can admit that getting wet south of the border doesn’t happen at the drop of a dime (or my thongs) like when I was 22.

Several annoying factors will cause the pelvic floor to weaken such as menopause, postpartum, and age.Unfortunately a weak pelvic floor can result in the inability to reach an orgasm. Don’t fret, because the next thing I’m going to say is going to make that frown turn upside down! Pour Moi, LLC is a company devoted to women’s pelvic health and wellness. BLESS THEIR HEARTS. Pour Moi has designed an “intimate health and stimulation device” called Intensity thatimproves a woman’s sexual experience by exercising the pelvic floor muscles and providing targeted stimulation to specific areas of the anatomy. Intensity is scientifically designed to restore the pleasure in intimate relationships.” So basically it sounds like the holy grail of vibrators that not only will make you climax all damn day but will work as the fountain of youth for your kitty and lady bits! I’m definitely going to indulge and purchase one of these glorious gadgets. It’s stimulation station coming to a bedroom near me! For more details on Pour Moi click here.

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