NEWS: International Clitoris Awareness Week

Clitoris Awareness Week is a 7-day celebration organized by the non-profit, Clitoraid, which seeks to pay homage to “a magnificent organ” in order to “give it the attention it deserves.” Amen to that! The group’s reasoning is that whenever there’s an “awareness day,” it makes subjects such as loving the clit easier for people to talk about. best_phone_sex_niteflirt_bedposted

Some people are really getting into the spirit: in Chicago, one Clitoraid follower walked around the city in a giant suit that looked like a pussy! And in Miami, members will create a big, beautiful pussy sand-castle right on South Beach. Coincidentally, Clit Awareness Week falls in the same month as National Masturbation Day. How appropriate: self-love should never get shafted, but at least we have a whole month to celebrate!

Here at Niteflirt, we think every day should be a celebration of the clit! Want to help us get into the spirit? We know we could use a helping hand!

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