NEWS: It’s all about the short and curlies!

I’m quite fond of the modern approaches people take for causes and charities these days. Just to mention a few, the surge in mustache growth for Movember, and the heart-felt viral videos for bullying. The creativity and spunk is amazing, and it just goes to show you that in a world full of self centeredness people still care and have passion.

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_pubicWhich leads me to a British advertising agency called Mother London. They are the geniuses behind “Project Bush.” Project Bush is encouraging women to have their pubic hair photographed to stand up for modern day feminism next Thursday. Wow! I’m all for women’s rights but I’m not sure I’d put my muff on display for it. The heart of the matter is a call to action for women to stand up to the pressures of modern society and present their bushes in all their glory.” Whether you’re sporting a landing strip or an Amazonian bush you’re welcomed to participate.

A press release from the agency stated “Whether waxed or never tended, young, old, black, brown or white, we want to display London’s lady gardens in all their variety and demonstrate the choice that many women – particularly – may not realise they have when it comes to waxing.”

I would be very interested to see how many women get involved and model their fur down below. I hope that Project Bush is a tremendous success!

Happy Hump Day!

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