NEWS: Japanese Cumming Game Show

What would we do if there weren’t so many awesome ways that the Japanese are taking sex to the next level? Last week we wrote about a new hand job machine, and this week we’ve got a clip of a game show where one constant tries to make the other one cum. The person receiving the blowjob has to try their best not to. This sounds like a regular Friday night to us, but that’s neither here nor there. best_phone_sex_niteflirt_japangirl

The clip shows a Japanese porn star up against a regular gay man who is convinced he can make the porn star blow, but the professional says no for two reasons. 1) He’s not gay 2) He does this for a living!

So did the gay guy make the straight male porn star cum? You’ll have to watch all 9 minutes of this amazing show to find out.

Watch the clip.

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2 Responses to NEWS: Japanese Cumming Game Show

  1. LOL I think I’ve heard some sissies make some of those strange noises over the phone. I can’t say if my cuckolds in real life had made them. That was hilarious.

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