NEWS: Lab-Grown Penises Coming Soon

Though it sounds like something straight out of science fiction, lab-grown cocks are soon going to become a reality. Human trials of lab-grown penises may be coming (wink wink) in the next 4 to 5 years due to funding from the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine. This could revolutionize the treatment of men with congenital abnormalities, penile cancer, and erectile dysfunction as well as those who lost their genitals through injury. A similar treatment has already worked for women, with 4 successful lab-grown pussy’s already implanted!best_phone_sex_niteflirt_lab_penis

Researchers made headlines in 2009 for growing penile erectile tissue in a lab and building a “functional engineered solid organ” for rabbits. And now they are making progress on a human version. Dr. James Yoo, a researcher on the effort, describes it like this: “Think of it like a building. If you remove all the furniture and the people, you’re still left with the main structure of the building. Then you replace the tenants with new ones. That’s the whole idea. It’s just that the building is a penis and the tenants are cells.” Basically, growing a penis works by relying on a donated organ that is stripped down to its basic structural cells, which then act like a “scaffold” on which cells taken from the patient are grown until it’s developed enough to be surgically attached. Science is amazing!

We aren’t brilliant scientists in a fancy lab, but we know a thing or two about helping cocks to grow!

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