NEWS: Miley Cyrus ‘Bangerz’ Tour Kicked Off And It’s Freaky

We know we should probably stop talking about Miley Cyrus, because everyone is over her, but it seems like we can’t look away even if we should. We kinda do want her!


She kicked off her highly anticipated ‘Bangerz’ tour in Vancouver this weekend, and it was everything people sexpected, yet still shocking.


Articles all over the web are talking about her doing things like putting a fans thong in her mouth (one that was thrown on the stage), giving a fake blowjob to a guy in a Bill Clinton outfit, and lots more.

In addition to all of that, she has midgets dancing on stage as well as a giant women who’s ass she smacks a lot. She’s in a thong and she touches her pussy a lot, but does any of it really matter. Who knows?

At the very least, check out the photos of her blowing the Bill Clinton character because it’s kind of silly…

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