NEWS: More Fun Sex Facts!

Before we go into the real research let’s tell you about some sex facts we already know: 1) It’s awesome 2) We want to partake in it several times a day 3) It feels better in public.

Are we missing any?!

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sexychairAlright so maybe none of those are groundbreaking, but we thought it was important none the less. Let’s get on to the real stuff, shall we? has released facts from a study recently done which refreshes and modernizes previous research  from the 50’s and 60’s. The majority of the information is in regards to women and their orgasms, but we can all benefit from that knowledge, can’t we?

Here are a few of our favorites:

1) Orgasms can make women more creative.

2) Being well hydrated leads to better orgasm.

3) Sitting in chairs can arouse women (we can attest to this fact!)


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