NEWS: Naked Women Rowers Rally Against Censorship

The Warwick’s women rowers recently stripped down to their finely-toned birthday suits to raise money for charity. The hot women were photographed for a sexy naked calendar, baring their perfectly shaped asses and breasts in poses that strategically covered just enough to keep you wanting more. But they were shocked to find out that Facebook had removed the images, citing them for “inappropriate content”—even though FB allowed the men’s rowing team to post their racy, Abercrombie-esque naked calendars since 2009. So, does that mean hard abs and, we can only imagine, cocks just barely covered by tall grass is less explicit than tits and pussy cleverly covered by bull-horns and life-vests?


We’re happy to report that after hundreds of fans called out the social media site for an obvious double-standard, they conceded to un-flag the images as pornographic. Damn straight! We here at Niteflirt believe in the right to admire both women’s and men’s naked, chiseled bodies, as they heave themselves through the water, stroke the oars, flex their glistening, water-sprayed muscles.

Who wants to skinny dip with us after all that hotness?

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