NEWS: New Website Tracks How Often You Fuck

Oh technology, you’ve really come so far and truly provide us with so many new and interesting ways to monitor our lives. We’ve got apps to lose weight, to monitor what we eat, when we work out and how many steps we’ve taken for the day. And now, there is a website that will literally track how many times you’ve eaten pussy that week. best_phone_sex_niteflirt_bedposted

A new site called, currently in beta mode, will help you keep track of how often you are doing it. You can track the day, how long it lasted, the time you started, the name of the partner it was with, and can give it a 1 to 5 star rating based on how many times you came! This program will be really important to sluts like me who want to keep track of all the men I’ve boned this week. Who am I kidding, I don’t care how many men were in me, as long as there are men in me daily. Boom!

All jokes aside, this website could be great for people looking to increase their libido, or you could just call us at NiteFlirt and we will make sure you are getting off at least twice a day. 😉

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