NEWS: NiteFlirt “May Madness” Competition Update

We wanted to update you all at the midway point of our first “May Madness” contest! Things are getting extremely heated in the NiteFlirt Goody Store, and extremely close in our competition!iStock_000017088894XSmall

Currently if you have earned over $60 in Goody sales in May you are within clear striking distance of one of our top prizes. What that means is that it truly is anyone’s game right now!

Many of you are selling Goodies like hotcakes. Super sexy, scantily-clad hotcakes! 😉  Keep creating and selling those Goodies. We have $1700 to give away in May and we want each and every one of you to have a shot at some of that cash!

Want your favorite Flirt to win? Keep buying those Goodies and help your favorite(s) to win one of our top three prizes! Every dollar counts!

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