NEWS: No More Fuss for the Bust!

This is epic news for the ladies. The necessity of wearing a bra to keep your bosoms lifted and perky could all be a sham, according to French doctor, Jean-Denis Rouillon. Rouillon studied 330 women over 15 years.  What a pimp! In his 15 years of research he found that women who wore a bra on a regular basis would notice the twins heading down south more than women that went commando.

“Medically, physiologically, anatomically – breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity,” Rouillon said in a radio interview Wednesday. “On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra.” This is totally liberating, but for us ladies with Nat Geo nipples we may still have to rock a bra with certain material.  While on the subject of nipples, Rouillon also noted that for women who didn’t wear bras, ”on average their nipples lifted seven millimeters in one year in relation to the shoulders.” Think of all of the money women will save, and all of the boners it will cause!

I have full intentions to trailblaze the sans bra fashion this summer. If it stirs up any controversy my response will be  “It’s what the French are doing!” Happy Friday!

On a completely separate and unrelated note:  Ryan Gosling. You’re welcome…

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3 Responses to NEWS: No More Fuss for the Bust!

  1. Madison Rocks says:

    Um… commando hurts!

    Bras help boobies look perky and young even if they don’t keep them that way. I guess we’ll just have to wait for the next breast study to tell us what to do to turn men on. Humpf!

    ~Maddie rocks

  2. Gill says:

    Titties WIN, I think bras have some use for boobs though, can you imagine how dangerous it would be in the club if all those women had them swinging freely?

    Also, Ryan Gosling is a sexy man beast! I’d totally hit that!

  3. Sookie69 says:

    It’s about time!!! Let the ladies out!!!

    And, Thank you for Ryan! 😉


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