NEWS: Poetry to the rescue!

I’ll just come clean before I get to the meat of this story: I take pleasure in sexting and I’ve had some steamy, and oh so yummy, sexting convos that were award winning! If you’re meeting up with your lover after work it’s the perfect way to set the mood and get your tease on before the real deal.

Jolly young woman sending a text lying on a sofaI don’t think there is anything wrong with sexual texting, as long as you are being safe, the participating parties are available, and all are of age! I also believe that it shouldn’t take over and cancel out your verbal expression though!! Hello people, use your voice and tell your partner you want to ravish their body in person!

Now, when it comes to young adults I don’t believe sexting is a very productive past time. To that point, if you can believe it there is new phone app out that to send poetry instead of explicit blurbs via text.

According to The Gloss:

The UK’s Education Secretary Micheal Gove has attached his name to an app called Love Book that will discourage sexting by giving young lovers the ability to send each other recording of classic love poetry instead of sexting

I think this is a phenomenal idea, poetry is very old school and these days old school and vintage is all the rage. It feels as though sometimes chivalry is dead and Love Book could become it’s saving grace. I’m sure some of you might think its far-fetched but I’d even be interested in trying this app out myself. I won’t lie, I enjoy a filthy demand from a boyfriend via text but I’d love a few romantic lines from a great poet.

What are your thoughts on the success rate of this app?

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