NEWS: Porno is a no no on Google Glass!

Google really does go above and beyond to rise above the rest. Earlier this year they released a wearable computer that has a head-mounted display worn just like a regular pair of glasses, hence the name Google Glass. Kick ass!

Since the unveiling of Google Glass MiKandi the Adult App store has worked diligently to produce a porn app for google glass. The app was unveiled to the public on June 3rd (drum roll please), and its called Tits & Glass! However, Google promptly added a new portion to their Glass Platform Developer Policy page that bans any type of porn or sexual explicit material to its users.

“Our policies make it clear that Glass does not allow Glassware content that contains nudity, graphic sex acts, or sexually explicit material. Any Glassware that violates this policy will be blocked from appearing on Glass,” a Google spokesperson stated.

What a bummer for MiKandi, I’m confident Tits & Glass would have been a fanny favorite!

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