NEWS: Preserving Your Youth With Pleasure

I will never buy another expensive eye cream! I think I’ve found the fountain of youth, and I’m pleased to share it with you all. According to research, sex on the regular can knock the years right off a person. Dr. David Weeks, former head of old age at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital stated people need to be in the know when it comes to the magical benefits of sex, especially those in the latter half of life.

Dr. David Weeks states that sex is a “crucial factor” in maintaining youth.

He even goes as far as saying sex can make men and women look 5 to 7 years younger! How you ask? Well, when you’re doing the freak nasty the human growth hormone is released which gives your skin a more elastic look.

Lets face it no cream will make you look as young as you want, botox is a wild card, you might end up looking like The Joker, and chemical peels are terribly painful (so I hear). As far as I see it, fucking trumps all, aiding in headaches, heart health, and now vanity. Let’s not forget, it’s free! For the full deets click here.

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