NEWS: Prop 8 has met it’s fate! Hit the bricks!

California is chock full of soaring rainbow flags, smiles, and justice today. The Supreme Court ruled today that a portion of DOMA is unconstitutional, a 5-4 ruling! DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act signed by President Bill Clinton in ’96 had prevented same sex couple’s marriages (that were recognized by their home state) to be recognized by the federal government. 

Well, say goodbye to that nonsense because after today’s verdict gay married couples will be eligible for the same federal benefits that heterosexual couples are granted once married, such as joint tax returns and social security benefits. Justice Anthony Kennedy stated in the majority opinion:

By seeking to displace this protection and treating those persons as living in marriages less respected than others, the federal statute is in violation of the Fifth Amendment.”

This is a monumental victory for gay rights and equality; everyone in love should have the chance to be lawfully married to the love of their life and receive equal benefits and recognition by our government. I am personally stoked for the Gay community at large and this is just one more giant step in the right direction. For more information on the Supreme Court ruling click here.

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1 Response to NEWS: Prop 8 has met it’s fate! Hit the bricks!

  1. Gavin says:

    Woo-Hoo!!!!!!!!!! Finally! Great job SCOTUS for doing the right thing, and RIP DOMA! Victory is here! Time to celebrate the best way I know how, where is my NF Favorite’s List again? LOL!

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