NEWS: Quite Possibly the Best Day of the Year!

Ladies, it’s all about you today. No seriously, it’s International Day of the Female Orgasm! The focus is all on the women today, flick it, lick it, tickle it, pat it, grind it… whatever you have to do to make it happen! We have the lovely country of Brazil to thank for this glorious day of moaning.

According to the Aztecas Noticias the genius idea for this holiday came to life in the northeastern town of Esperantina in Brazil. According to the Huff Post, Councillor of the people decided to dedicate the day to the female orgasm as compensation for the “sexual debt” he owed his own wife.” Ummn hiiii, the Councillor sounds like a man that was sent from the heavens! Brazil truly is a magical country, like you need more reasons to love the place; Giselle Bundchen, Carnival, the rainforest, and men that create international holidays that pay homage to women getting off!

Today the holiday is celebrated in Brazil, Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, and Norway. That is fabulous but I think we should celebrate it in the USA as well. On that note, I hope you all have a toe curling Friday! A few tips of mine for a hearty orgasm:

  1. Send your lover an erotic text this afternoon explaining what you want tonight. Get the ball rolling!
  2. When you get out of work tonight, chill out… take 5/10 minutes to meditate or just zone out, and listen to music. Rid yourself of the day’s stress.
  3. Make sure you have a sexy pair of panties on, better yet don’t wear any.
  4. Greet your partner with a warm smile, and a hearty hug when you reunite on this Friday evening.
  5. When things start to get steamy, just let go, lose your inhibitions, don’t be shy, and make sure to be just as gracious and giving as your partner.
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