NEWS: Real Life Sex on the Boob Tube

The Brits have done it again! I’ve always said that the British are a few fashionable steps ahead of the USA, I’d confidently go a step further and state they are trailblazing when it comes to studies surrounding boningbest_phone_sex_niteflirt_sexbox

According to “Channel 4 is to interview couples immediately after they have had sex on a TV show.”  The cutting edge show is called ‘Sex Box’ and it’s a part of a new “real sex” season for channel 4. Their inspiration for doing a reality sex show was the surge in online pornography. Let’s face it, people get lost in the idea, or the fantasy, that real sex is supposed to mimic porn. Unfortunately that’s not the case in reality.

I’ve had a few erotic romps but on the norm my sexual experiences wouldn’t compare to a scene in ‘Romancing the Bone’ or ‘Temple of Poon’. British journalist and television presenter Mariella Frostrup will be quizzing contestants with a panel of judges. Daaaaamn, getting nailed with questions after actually getting nailed sounds pretty intense. Frostrup said: “The sex we see on screen, in magazines and increasingly online bears little relation to the real experiences of real people.” Where the F do I sign up for this show!? Will you be tuning in NiteFlirt readers?

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