NEWS: Sex Addict or Sex Enthusiast?

Looks like you can’t use the old excuse “I suffer from sex addiction” anymore, no siree you’re just a horny toad! According to UCLA researchers sex addiction doesn’t seem to be a disorder, these findings can be found on the Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology journal online. So whether you have an obsessive affection for laying pipe or constant yearning to polish the knob you’re just a hogger, it’s no disorder, so don’t even go there, so they say.

According to the Huffington Post, “The study involved 39 men and 13 women who reported having problems controlling their viewing of sexual images. UCLA scientist Nicole Prause and her colleagues monitored the volunteers’ brains while showing them erotic images.”“If they indeed suffer from hypersexuality, or sexual addiction, their brain response to visual sexual stimuli could be expected to be higher, in much the same way that the brains of cocaine addicts have been shown to react to images of the drug in other studies,” stated in a UC press release.

Nicole Prause stated that the hypersexuality might be caused by a higher libido, not a sex disorder. Wanting to have sex isn’t a crime but there are folks out there that have non-stop cravings to fornicate and end up ruining important relationships, and sometimes their lives. Like anything else in life, too much of anything can be toxic! If you have a problem with humping, I’d suggest seeking a therapist or reaching out for help… or there’s a chance you don’t have a problem and you’re just hanging out with a bunch of prudes. For the whole story click here.

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