NEWS: Sex is Better for Happiness than Money

We all know money can’t buy happiness, but did you know that sex can bring you more happiness than making money? Researchers at Dartmouth analyzed the sexual activity and happiness levels of 16,000 people for over 10 years, and found that sex “enters so strongly (and) positively in happiness equations” that fucking just once a month is equivalent to the amount of happiness one would feel earning an additional $50,000 in income. Basically, researchers figured out that the happiest people are those getting laid the most. We could have told you that! best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sexy7

Another study in New Zealand confirms the findings of this study, asserting that fucking is pretty much the best thing there is to increase your happiness. This is because it generates “the most pleasure, meaning and engagement for people.” It’s also true that people who had sex three to four times a week earned more money than those who got laid less frequently. The long and short of it: Mo’ money + Mo’ sex = happiness. Better get to work (wink wink)!

So there you have it: the pursuit of happiness is all between the sheets! Feel like increasing your happiness levels? We have just the thing for that right here!

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