There are so so many old-school myths about the sexual lives and libidos of “the fairer sex”—women aren’t as horny as men; women are better at monogamy. These are just a few, and in fact, there are so many we’re just going to debunk 3 (for now). Here are some of the oldest, falsest myths about women and sex:
Women are better suited for monogamyThis one’s been around for ages, but it’s been proven false by a number of sources and studies. To name one, a German study from 2006 that surveyed 2,500 couples found that women actually struggle more in monogamous relationships because they become sexually bored sooner than men. In fact, an additional Canadian study from 2012 showed that women’s sexual desire decreases in a monogamous relationship over time, while men’s stays the same. Just goes to show that monogamy’s not easy for anyone. This is why we should all keep it spicy and fun!
- Women aren’t as horny as menMen have always been painted as the lustier, sexually insatiable sex (gotta spread the seed around, or something like that). But this is 100% false. According to sexual science research, women are more “fluid” in their sexual attractions and possibly even more biologically programmed to seek sex with many different partners (which makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint). So, it’s really just society telling women to be tame sexually more than anything else. We say to that: Viva la women’s sexual revolution! No slut-shaming here!
- Women aren’t as visually stimulated as menFalse, false, false. This one brings to mind the myth that women don’t watch or enjoy porn. The fact is, women might actually be more turned on by visual stimuli than men. At a study at Queen’s University, women responded physically to a wider range of erotic imagery. Any of us here at Niteflirt can attest to that 100%!
So there you have it: women love to fuck, to fuck often and with many partners, and to watch others fuck! We here at Niteflirt are all about being sexually-positive, and owning our sexuality. Want to debunk some old sex myths with us? We’re ready and eager to get started!