NEWS: Sex on the Beach, Florida Style

In an x-rated version of From Here to Eternity, a Florida couple got arrested after fucking on a beach in Tampa, in the middle of the day, in front of literally dozens of people. The dude, who looks like a body builder, and his sexy lady (wannabe porn star?), started going at it on their towel, with her on top, happily riding him hard without a care in the world…for 25 minutes! And shocked beach-goers who recorded the fuck-fest didn’t even intervene for the first go around.

That’s right: this couple got it on in plain view, on a public beach, until they decided to take a dip in the ocean—before passing out for hours and then going at it again! This time an angry woman told them to stop, while others called the police where they were (finally!) arrested for “lewd and lascivious behavior.” In the video below, it appears as if the hard-bodied dude is hand-cuffed completely bare-assed! File this story under: “Only in Florida.”

In the mood for a little mid-day action yourself? We can make you feel as good as sex on a beach!

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