NEWS: Sex With 30 Somethings (Part II)

Atlanta is not called HOTLANTA because of the heat, daaayum. Our gentleman from the dirty south loves experimenting to an extent, and is somewhat a hopeless romantic for attempting a long distance relationship. Let’s cross our fingers his fear of commitment can be conquered. I haven’t seen “Butterfly Effect 2”, I’ll have to check out the buttery nipples for myself!

Sex : Male

Age: 35

City: Atlanta

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Single (y/n): No

Do you see yourself marrying your significant other? If not, are you happy? If single do you see yourself getting married in the future?
I see myself marrying and I would like to think that the special person in my life currently, would be that person. However, I have seen that my commitment to relationships lacks in the past and I need to be able to commit in order for the relationship to be taken to the next level. Marriage scares the hell out of me.

Do you believe in being with one person forever?
No, I’ve been with multiple people. However, I do believe that marriage is a commitment and requires both parties to be fully involved. It seems like with today’s society, once the times get tough, people tend to dip.

Would you be willing to try an open relationship? Do you believe they work?
I’ve been in an open relationship and as long as both sides are honest, do believe they can work. However, I tend to believe that people eventually want to move to the next level or end the relationship.

Would you try a threesome with your partner if you were in an exclusive relationship?
Probably not. I think it would cause more issues than help. Think this is more of a thing for people experimenting and trying new things.

What would you prefer? 2 guys 1 girl or vice versa?
I would prefer 2girls1guy but as long as there is no touching between boys and depending on the situation. Basic Rules? Swords touching is not cool! DP? No thank you.

What is a fantasy of yours? Have you ever fulfilled it?
I’ve had a ton of fantasies and some of them have been fulfilled. However, I continue to think/dream/fantasize about things and try to make some of them happen. Standard thoughts and nothing too extreme.

Sex in the rain? Completed.

Sex outside/public? Completed, etc…

If you’re single what dating sites have you used? If currently dating have you used dating sites in the past, if so, which ones? Dating Apps included.

Did you find them to be useful?

Were you honest with profile? If not what were you dishonest about?

What is something that would fix in your current relationship (if anything)? If you’re single, why do you think you’re single?
Our current locations. Long distance relationships suck and don’t work but I am trying as the person is suppose to be moving to me.

Are you comfortable with telling you’re partner they aren’t up to snuff in the bedroom?
Yes, I wouldn’t be harsh or blunt about it. I would try to show my partner what I like and what not. I would hope that they would tell me what I was doing wrong for them and showing me things they like. Think sex is key to a relationship and needs to be strong.

Have you ever been in a relationship with a partner that wasn’t bringing the noise in the sheets? Did you tell he/she? If so, how did you break the bad news to them?
Yes, I’ve been with partners that did not feel comfortable with me or themselves. I just think some people are confident in themselves and their body. I just tried to show what I liked. For partners I wasn’t fully involved with, I tended to just walk away from a repeat.

What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you during a sex session? Impotence. Sucks when my mind takes control and I start to over think.

Even though we live in a progressive world, do you still feel societal pressures to get married and have kids?
Yes, family and friends look at me strangely when I say I have never been married. It seems like people look at me with even more sadness than someone that has been married and divorced.

Lightning Round:

1. What type of music makes you the horniest?
R&B/Hip Hop/Rap genre

2. What is the sexiest most seductive thing anyone has ever done to you?
Taken control.

3.What is sexier? Sex in a park on a blanket for a few to see, or discretely under a blanket on an airplane?
Discretely under a blanket on the airplane.

4. Have you thought about sex today, if so how many times?
Yes, not sure how many times but more than once.

5. Do you miss sex with an ex?
Miss? Not really miss but still remember some of the more memorable times.

6. Do you think you have sex better now in your 30s or better in your 20s?
I feel more confident now which leads me to think Im better however I believe I was less self conscious then which allowed me to go further than I would probably now

If better, why? If worse, why?
See Above.

Do you feel more complete and whole as a person when dating someone, single, or doesn’t matter (BE HONEST PEOPLE its anonymous )?
I’ve noticed that I’ve basically gone from relationship to relationship with little single time in between. Which leads me to believe I need a partner to feel whole.

What’s your favorite non-porno movie sex scene?
Butterfly Effect 2: Buttery Nipples for the win!

Do you look at porn?
Yes, helps release stress and anxiety if you’re not having constant sex.


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