NEWS: Sex With 30 Somethings (Part III)

Our leading lady from Montana has no shame in her game when it comes to online dating, she’s ready for love, and has a healthy libido. Cheers to her, and here’s to hoping she finds a man that can take her breath away in the bedroom, and watch “300” with her.

Sex : Female

Age: 37

City: Bozeman

Astrological Sign: Libra

Single (y/n): Y

Do you see yourself marrying your significant other? If not, are you happy? If single do you see yourself getting married in the future?
Yes, I hope to find and marry my significant other in the future. I am happy, single or married.

Do you believe in being with one person forever?

Would you be willing to try an open relationship?
Once the relationship is committed,

Do you believe they work?

Would you try a threesome with your partner if you were in an exclusive relationship?

What would you prefer? 2 guys 1 girl or vice versa?

What is a fantasy of yours?
To have sex

Have you ever fulfilled it?
Once or twice.

If you’re single what dating sites have you used?,, 

If currently dating have you used dating sites in the past, if so, which ones? Dating Apps included. N/A

Did you find them to be useful?

Were you honest with profile? Yes.

What is something that would fix in your current relationship (if anything)? If you’re single, why do you think you’re single?
I think relationships take a lot more time & patience then they did in the past. With more options available for each individual (including career, location, lifestyle…) it makes it more difficult to ‘commit’, it’s hard enough to commit to one’s own lifestyle (this has been my problem). More time is needed to build foundation, trust and to understand the other person’s way of life… routine… likes, dislikes

Are you comfortable with telling you’re partner they aren’t up to snuff in the bedroom?
I would be.

Have you ever been in a relationship with a partner that wasn’t bringing the noise in the sheets? Did you tell he/she? If so, how did you break the bad news to them?
Just walk away.

What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you during a sex session?
I don’t know.

Even though we live in a progressive world, do you still feel societal pressures to get married and have kids?
Sometimes but not necessarily from specific things people have said. Mostly from the community I live in and I let those thoughts define that pressure. But people in most communities are tolerant of a various of lifestyles and are non judgmental (as long as the respect is mutual).

Lightning Round:

1.      What type of music makes you the horniest?
What doesn’t work for me is jazz or rock.

2.      What is the sexiest most seductive thing anyone has ever done to you?
If only I can put it into words when someone just owns you in bed, passionately and demanding but hot and tender.

3.      What is sexier? Sex in a park on a blanket for a few to see, or discretely under a blanket on an airplane?
Park, blanket.

4.      Have you thought about sex today, if so how many times? Before this survey, probably once or twice.
While doing this survey… A LOT!

5.      Do you miss sex with an ex?

6.      Do you think you have sex better now in your 30s or better in your 20s?

7.      If better, why? If worse, why?
I was more reserved in my 20s.

8.      Do you feel more complete and whole as a person when dating someone, single, or doesn’t matter (BE HONEST PEOPLE its anonymous)?
Doesn’t matter.

9.      What’s your favorite non-porno movie sex scene?

10.  Do you look at porn?


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