NEWS: Sexual Meditation: Enlightenment Through Orgasm

The sexy new fad for mindful living: Orgasmic meditation

Who says Nirvana can’t be reached through getting off?! At Niteflirt, we can surely attest to the spiritual power of cumming! Sexual meditation or OM, the newest trend in new-age enlightenment, asserts that stimulating the pleasure-center each day can make for “a more complex, attentive and connected world.” OMen to that!

Nicole Daedone, former Buddhist nun-in-training turned OM enthusiast, says that “like Vitamin C, orgasm is a nutrient that has been missing from the standard human diet for centuries.” best_phone_sex_niteflirt_orgasm23That’s right; cumming is just as important as getting your 6 daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Here’s how it works: the woman strips naked below the waist while a partner strokes her clit for 15 minutes; the woman then focuses on all the transcendent sensations she experiences, like during the most mind-blowing part of an orgasm. If this is what it takes to make a better world with more connection, count us in!

We’re no Zen masters, but we sure know how to cum for peace and contentment!

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