NEWS: Sexy Time Benefits!

Sex truly is a sacred pastime and for the most part we all thoroughly enjoy it, and when we aren’t getting nookie, we crave it.  Just from personal experience when I’m back in the saddle, I sleep better, I’m calmer, and I find that I get very creative. My creative juices start flowing, so to speak.

I came across an article in Playboy that provides an astounding list of benefits that stem from sexual intercourse. Sex is such a natural, primitive pleasure that can happen between two people, it only makes sense that good can come from it.  Check Playboy’s list out, you may want rethink that phony headache excuse tonight: •    Sex not only lowers stress levels, it also assists in lowering blood pressure!

•    Having more sex boosts levels of the hormone Oxycotin, which helps build and strengthen the bond between partners.

•    Research shows that having sex once or twice a week can boost your immune system.

•    One study proved that having sex on a regular basis increases your lifespan.  (What a hell of a panty dropper!!)

•    The more sexually active you are the more attractive you are to the opposite sex.  (Oh dear god, I must be a fugly Josie Grossy right now.)

•    Orgasms release so many endorphins they’ve been proven to alleviate pain.  (Hooray for the O face!)

•    If you’ve had an anger streak, fear not… sex relieves tension!  (No need for anger management classes)

•    Sex releases sleep – inducing endorphins that help you sleep more soundly. (It’s clear to me why I’m an insomniac now, awesome…)

•    Sex sharpens your sense of smell.

If this list hasn’t totally sold you on why you should be buying a one-way ticket to pleasure town I don’t know what will!  Get your freak on!

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