NEWS: Teen Mom Farrah Abraham Releasing Second Sex Tape


There’s been a lot of internet controversy going around since MTV’s Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham had a sex tape ‘leak’ and then sold to Vivid entertainment. She’s held strongly to her conviction that it was a private tape made with high profile, celebrity porn star James Deen, and that he was the one who released it without her permission. While it’s been a great story to help advance sales, it’s clear to anyone who has seen it that it simply isn’t true.

Well now the case is closed as her second tape is being released via the big porn company, and it’s supposed to be kinkier than the first. We already know Farrah loves anal, and is a horny young woman. We won’t even lie, her first porn was pretty hot. For a ‘first time’ porn star, she really went for it. Who knows what her next tape will be like, but with the amount of money Vivid made from the first, we’re sure it will be great.

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