NEWS: Teeny Weenie Winner

If you guys remember awhile back I had announced that there would be a Smallest Penis contest in Brooklyn, NY on July 20th… well it happened and the results are in! Hats off to Nick Gilronan winner of the prestigious title of smallest peen in Brooklyn. Gilronan has no shame in his game, he was honored to win, and proud of his petite pecker. Nick Gilronan wasn’t shy about showing off his 2-inch monster either, he stated:

“Besides my day job I’ve been doing modeling and acting for the past 7 years. Acting is done in front of a group of people so I was comfortable there. And sometimes my modeling jobs are nude art for classes, so wearing some skimpy clothing wasn’t a problem either.”

I think that Nick Gilronan is a brave dude, embracing your body no matter what you’ve got to offer is the boss attitude to have, and lets not forget confidence is sexy. We come in all shapes and sizes and a donkey dong might not be your cup of tea. Congratulations, Nick!

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