NEWS: The Miley Cyrus Effect

You’d have to have been living under a rock to somehow miss all of the insane publicity surrounding Miley Cyrus and her sudden case of massive amounts of sexual exposure. It all started with her “We Can’t Stop” video, where she can be seen twerking, sticking her tongue out, and humping just about everything in the video. This followed by her teddy bear grinding VMA performance, and most recently her pussy and tit bearing photoshoot with famed celebrity photographer, Terry Richardson. If you haven’t seen it, look it up. best_phone_sex_niteflirt_miley

Here at NiteFlirt, we love seeing every inch of Miley’s body, but it seems the public is in an outrage in regards to the overly exposed former Disney star. Some say she needs to go back to her days of country twanging glory, while others just want their teenage daughters to look in another direction.

She’s even caught the attention of other well known pop stars, some begging her to stop selling her sex for higher iTunes ranking, while some are recognizing this change as an aggressive move towards creating a new image, one of which she has complete control.

Where do you stand? Do you want to see more of Miley’s barely legal body? Or are you over hearing her name all together?

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