NEWS: The Strangest Sex Laws in the U.S.

We came across this handy map that details some of the craziest laws regarding sex in the US of A. We’ve all heard at least one in our lifetime, but I never get sick of reading about the strange ways that sex is outlawed throughout this fine country I live in. Some of them make perfect sense, but others are incredibly bizarre and make me laugh out loud all the time. best_phone_sex_niteflirt_lawyers2

For example, in Iowa, you aren’t allowed to kiss for more than 5 minutes. How is this even possible? I don’t think I’ve EVER kissed for less than that. Also, in Michigan, you get five years in prison for seducing an unmarried woman. Well, I know A LOT of men who should be locked away then.

You’ve got to read the rest of these insane laws right here.

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