NEWS: The Ups & Downs of Relationship Sex

I’m pretty sure most couples have experienced the unfortunate death of the sex spark. The first year a couple is together it’s usually sexually fueled, and everyday is pound town. Sadly at some point after a couple’s first year together the sexual gusto and motivation diminishes.

According to the Telegraph researchers exposed that couples in their first year of courtship were more likely to have sex than couples that were in more seasoned relationships. This depressing study involved 2,000 people, a third of them stated they have a hard time getting aroused. This is just a sad state of affairs, I applaud couples that can maintain a relationship for more than a few years but they need to try and reinstate the importance of pleasure and erotica in their lives. Think role play, masks, toys, and spontaneity!

More than half of couples that have been together for at least 4 years have sex 2 or 3 days a week, post 4 years the regularity of sex drops to a few times a month for 43% of couples. It’s very cliché but people need to remember that if you’re a veteran couple you will need to put forth a bit more effort, but once you do you’ll be right back to pleasure town! What do you do to reignite the flame, share your tips!

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