NEWS: The Wetter, The Better?

Lube is a silky god sent substance that most of us love and appreciate. I’m not an expert on lube, and to be honest I’m not really sure what’s out there on the market these days, but I do recall a college roommate of mine having a life supply of Astroglide, lol! If you’re sexually active it’s uber important to educate yourself on ways you to create a more safe, pain free, enjoyable sex life for yourself and partner. There is nothing worse than a dry spell during a romp. A friend of mine once describe it as trying to fit a marshmallow in a keyhole, ooof!

Brier Jirka is a sex therapist with the Methodist Physicians Clinic Women’s Center and has weighed in on the importance and benefits of lubrication on Jirka explains how there are multiple reasons why your natural lubrication may be lower than usual or non-existence.

This is a very misunderstood area of sexuality. There are many things that can contribute to a lack of lubrication during sex such as low estrogen, anxiety or fears that sex will be painful, alcohol and nicotine use and not enough foreplay before intercourse. Some over-the-counter medications such as Benadryl, which can dry out mucus membranes, also cause a lack of lubrication.”

Lets face it as you get older things tend to dry up just a tad, and why not take the bull by the horns and fix it!? If you’re still in your early 20’s and reading this at least you can take a mental note! Jirka also provided a list of different types of lubrication available:

Water-based lubricants (with or without glycerin)
This is the most commonly sold lubricant. It does dry out, but can quickly be rejuvenated with a few drops of water or saliva. It works well with latex condoms, unlike some lubricants that can break down latex. When choosing to use water-based lube, there’s a difference between those with and without glycerin.

Non-glycerin water-based lubricants are a great choice for women with recurrent yeast infections or extremely sensitive genitals. These lubricants last longer than glycerin-based products and offer a gentle cushion during intimacy. They can reduce irritation to the genitals, are safe to use with condoms and don’t stain fabric. (Brand example: Slippery Stuff) 

Water-based with glycerin lubricants have a slightly sweet taste and are very slick. Some of these lubricants feature a warming sensation during intercourse. Negative effects of these types of lubricants include short-term effects and that they can sometimes cause a sticky texture. They are not recommended for women prone to yeast infections or who are diabetic as they have properties similar to glucose. (Brand example: KY-Jelly or KY-Liquid)

Water-soluble lubricants contain oil and shouldn’t be used with condoms.

Silicone-based lubricants
Silicone is the longest lasting of all the lubricants. It is hypoallergenic and safe to use with condoms. Advantages of using silicone-based lubricants include their effectiveness for women with sensitive genitals, they can be used in water and they’re great for sensual body massage.

Caution should be taken as the long-lasting slippery texture can be dangerous for falling in tubs and showers. Although these lubricants are odorless and tasteless, they are not recommended for oral sex. Silicone lubricants are also more expensive than water-based types and require more cleanup. They are not recommended for use with certain silicone sex toys.

Natural oil-based lubricants (NOT mineral oil)
These types of lubricants, such as vegetable/corn/avocado/peanut/olive oils, have some benefits during intimacy. They are great for vulvar massage because they are safe for the vagina and safe to ingest.

Disadvantages include they may stain fabric and could destroy latex condoms and sex toys.

Petroleum-based lubricants
Examples of petroleum lubricants include mineral oil and Vaseline. Unfortunately, these products may irritate women’s vulvas, stain fabric and destroy latex condoms and should not be used in the vagina.

Fertility promotion lubricants
Since lubricants often impair sperm’s fertilization capabilities, couples desiring to become pregnant may need lubrication that will help fertilization rather than prevent.”

I found this to be very informative, I had no idea there are so many lubrications to choose from. I think I’m going to give this grease a go!

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