NEWS: This Story Might Not Have A Happy Ending!

It’s Friday and you should know there are important issues being discussed in China, like whether or not “happy endings” at massage parlors are considered crimes if it doesn’t involve sexual intercourse. I’ve been wondering about the same thing for years! I’m glad Chinese law enforcers are finally banging this issue out.

Now keep in mind prostitution is illegal in China but the question of whether or not getting jacked-off by a masseuse is illegal or not is still being handled by courts, police, and even state media. Sources say that the debate is focused on the less elite massage parlors and hair salons that have coy advertisements for services such as: “hitting the airplane” and “breast massage”.

These services are pretty standard in Beijing and other Chinese cities but this just became of topic of discussion this week after a crackdown in the Guangdong province, seems as though the happy ending is coming to a head. On that note, happy Friday, happy hour, happy ending?

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