NEWS: TLC For The Clitoris All Week Long!

Well Hallelujah its International Clitoris Awareness Week! Paying homage to the Holy Grail of the female orgasm, which started yesterday May 6th, and runs until May 12th. It makes senses to celebrate the mysterious female sex organ this month considering May also is the month to recognize masturbating!

Clitoraid is a group dedicated to helping victims of female genital mutilation around the globe. The compassionate group decided to turn their efforts towards raising awareness about the clit so people can get cozy with the word, and understand how magical it really is.

Nadine Gary, Clitoraid’s spokesperson explained, “We’ve noticed that the clitoris has not gotten its spot in the limelight. It makes people feel uncomfortable,” she told The Huffington Post. “For this week, we don’t want to focus on genital mutilation.”

Gary said that the clitoris has sat the bench since the 19th century, clitoris orgasms have been deemed “immature” when compared to a vaginal orgasm. SHA RIGHT, if a guy knows how to click the mouse, all is right in the world! “The clitoris doesn’t have a reproductive function so it can be minimized,” Gary said. “It’s up to eight inches long — same as a penis — but it’s inside.” 8 inches, I had no idea…there is a lot to learn! Happy clitter week!

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1 Response to NEWS: TLC For The Clitoris All Week Long!

  1. Rose says:

    “if a guy knows how to click the mouse, all is right in the world!” <— lol but Clitoraid is a great org, thanks for sharing!

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