NEWS: Turkish Couples Protesting Their Right To Lock Lips!

In Ankara, Turkey getting frisky in public is not only taboo but possibly on the verge of being prohibited. By frisky I mean innocent tonsil hockey, and possibly some light petting. Turkish media outlets stated that Ankara Subway officials released a statement recently asking passengers “to act in accordance with moral rules.” This declaration came after a couple was caught kissing on a security camera.

The peeps of Ankara were outraged (rightfully so), and decided to tell Ankara Subway officials to kiss off! On Saturday a crowd of about 100 rallied at the subway station and kissed for several minutes to take a stand against the ridiculousness.  Protestors carried signs that read “free kisses.” Unfortunately there was a small group of pro Islamists that carried on their own counter- protest. Sources say police barricades were put up to separate the groups. I hope the pro smoochers of Ankara prevail, PDA can be annoying at times but the thought of having the right to kiss in public taken away seems absurd.  I say, SAVE THE SMOOCH!

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