NEWS: UK TV Show Sex Box on YouTube

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sexbox2It’s times like these that we wish Americans could be as cool as other areas of the world. Seriously. There’s a TV show in the UK where people go on the set, fuck in a box, and then go out to a panel of experts and talk about their sex lives. Not only do they talk about their sex life history, but they discuss the sex they just had in the box.

The show is called Sex Box, and it’s awesome. Couples arrive, go into a sound proof and sterile box, and fuck each other. Yep, that’s it. While we’re not exactly sure HOW long they’re in there for, we’d imagine it varies depending on the couple. Once they’ve cum (hopefully both of them!) they come out of the box and chat with the experts.

Check it out:

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