NEWS: Walgreens Selling Zombie Dildo

We have a lot of friends who are super into the zombie genre of entertainment. One has a full fledged zombie apocalypse survival kit, and is hell bent on the idea that one day we will all be running for our lives from the undead. She’s visited all of the stores that sell zombie items, and is a super fan of all television, movies and video games that involve these crazy creatures. best_phone_sex_niteflirt_zombie

We thought she was next level in the fangirl area, until we came across this article on Jezebel that introduced us to a zombie dildo. No joke, not only does Walgreens sell Dildos, they sell ones that look like zombie flesh. We don’t really know how to feel about it all, but if you are a zombie super fan, now’s your chance!


Editor’s note: NiteFlirt does not support nor condone sleeping with or sexual relations with the undead of any sort. 😉

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