NEWS: What’s your lucky number?

Have you ever pondered how many people your partner has boinked? I think it’s safe to say it’s crossed everyone’s mind once or twice.   If you do muster up the courage to ask the major buzz kill question, make sure to emphasize what ‘having sex’ means to you.   The definition of sex is not universal amongst people, it comes in all shapes and sizes!

A study by the Kinsey Institute at the University of Indiana was published in the journal of the American Medical Association, and I have to say some of the information had me surprised. 600 students participated in the survey and more than 90% said penis-vagina intercourse counts as sex, while 81% said penis-anal intercourse meant “had sex”. 40% said oral-genital contact counts as “had sex.” If my boyfriend asked me how many men I’ve taken down I’d include all penis-vagina and penis-anal encounters I’ve had.

To make matters more confusing, a separate survey conducted by the Kinsey Institute with people between the ages of 18 and 96 found that there is no single generation or gender that agrees on a definition of “had sex.” I can understand why someone would want to know how many people his or her partner has bed but just keep in mind curiosity killed the cat!

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