NEWS: Who says dress up is just for Halloween?!

Not to keep drilling on the issue, well actually I want the drilling to continue hence my articles on sex benefits, et cetera. I came across an article on the Huff Post UK that exposed what British couples do to stay raaaanndyyy. The research was carried out by online pharmacy UKMedix, they had 1,712 participants that were all 18 years of age and currently shacked up with their lovah. 35% chose role-playing to liven their sex lives. The kicker is half of them chose to wear uniforms; doesn’t surprise me at all, Fleet Week in NYC is basically a holiday for horny single women.

The survey revealed that 62% did in fact have a “special” way of reigniting the flame in the bedroom:

  • Role playing- 35%
  • Sex Toys- 34%
  • Exhibitionism (Loud/ Outdoor/ Public Sex)- 28%
  • Celibacy/ ‘Sex Breaks’- 25%
  • Open Relationship/ Threesome- 21%

I think I’d be open to all of them except the threesome, no judging on my end, I just know that I’m shitty at sharing! It just goes to show you that if there’s a will there’s a way. You just need to put forth the effort. Whether you decide to play nurse and patient, or test out a 2-headed vibrating dildo, I hope you’re able to evolve and rediscover that lost spark as a couple!

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1 Response to NEWS: Who says dress up is just for Halloween?!

  1. Donnie says:

    Everyone should dress up as often as they can, my closet of gear has almost the same amount of clothes that my regular closet has! Too bad I can’t go to work dressed as a football player, or can I?

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