NEWS: Why Do Dudes Get Morning Wood?

About half of guys worldwide get woken up on a regular basis with a giant boner, aka, morning glory. But what’s up with that? Are guys just biologically wired to want to get it on first thing in the morning? Here are some possible explanations:

Morning glories start in utero (in the womb) and continue all throughout a dude’s life. As an aside, women also get aroused during sleep (this is called clitoral erections), and can even cum, along with many other mammals. No one really knows why this happens. Maybe it has to do with REM sleep, when the part of the brain responsible for controlling your sex drive also goes to sleep. There could also be an increase of blood flow to the cock during this time in the sleep cycle that causes dudes to get giant hard-ons. But the most likely reason is probably that all those stiffies while you sleep is your body’s way of making sure the cock is working as it should.


Isn’t it comforting to know that your cock is looking out for you? We know another way to keep your dick fit and healthy that doesn’t involve sleeping! Let us take care of that morning glory for you.

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