NEWS: Why Your First Date Should be Shag Free!

We’ve all heard that ‘going all the way’ on the first date can be detrimental to a potential flourishing relationship, but the majority of people these days have a YOLO mentality. People want to go for the gold straight out of the gates. You know how it goes, awkward dinner, too many drinks, sloppy fast sex! Sounds appetizing right!?

Relationship Expert Dr Wendy Walsh strongly advises against the first night coitus. According to her, having sex on the first date can really fuck things up. I have to agree that the anticipation for the first time mounting can be exciting, and allow for emotional bonding in the meantime. Everyone can vouch that sexual tension that is built up from resisting temptation is almost like foreplay.

Dr. Wendy Walsh offers up 9 solid reasons why you should stay PG during the beginning of a courtship on the Huffington Post.

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