NEWS: Woman With Three Breasts. That’s Right. Well, Kinda…

In something straight out of sci-fi (or, possibly, a hoax), a Florida woman claims to have had a third breast surgically implanted. 21-year-old Jasmine Tridevil says she spent $20,000 in plastic surgery for a third tit in the middle of her chest. best_phone_sex_niteflirt_woman_three_breastsShe explains that after calling 50 or 60 plastic surgeons, and after signing a non-disclosure statement, she finally found a doctor willing to do the strange surgery. The extra boob comes with a nipple and areola, which were tattooed.

Tridevil claims she had the surgery in order to make herself “less attractive to men” and because she doesn’t want to date anymore. But it is more likely that she had the surgery for fame—in fact, the Total Recall-esque woman is now rumored to have her very own reality show, and she’s appearing on the Jimmy Kimmel show and in Vice magazine. And while she claims she isn’t interested in attention for her looks, she has been posting racy pictures of herself on social media wearing skimpy, latex bikinis and tight fitting lycra mini-dresses which show off her ample three bosoms. Let’s be honest: there are plenty of people who would find three boobs erotic and freaky hot.

Whatever turns you on, right? In the mood for something a bit unusual yourself? We don’t have three tits, but we’re confident we can fulfill all your strangest and dirtiest fantasies.

Update: Turns out this story is a fake!

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4 Responses to NEWS: Woman With Three Breasts. That’s Right. Well, Kinda…

  1. hypnosDC says:

    You gotta have a gimmick if want to get ahead!

  2. Amberly says:

    This has been snoped as fake. The process to make a third breast would cost way more than she purports and plastic surgeons are suppose to weed out people wanting surgery who are mental.. In an interview she refused to show little if not much of the breast at all so people could verify and its only being seen covered up. There is a litany of other eyebrow raising points to her tale but I’ll let you google it.. including the fact it could easily be faked with prosthetics.

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