NEWS: Would You Sign On The Dotted Line For Lover?

How amazing is it to enter a relationship and have constant mind blowing sex, everywhere, and still crave more!? This is usually the case for the beginning of courtships, and it fucking rocks!

Unfortunately after a few months some couples experience a fuck rut, a period of time when one or both partners is less than amped to mess up the sheets, for whatever idiotic reason.  It’s an awkward phase to say the least and I’m sure the majority of couples have experienced it.  This is where a sex contract should come into play! Evidently sex contracts are all the rage according to The Daily Mail:

“Attorneys say that more and more married and unmarried couples are signing relationship contracts that detail how often they will have sex.

The so-called ‘lifestyle clauses’ can include how often the couple is intimate, how they spend their leisure time and spell out what defines cheating, among other things.”

I can understand how folks would think this is the most unromantic route to take but I actually believe being legally bound to slob the knob once a week or muff dive on Mondays would motivate spouses and lovers, and be a reminder that being pleased is important!

I think Dave Chapelle was on to something :

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