NEWS: You’ll Never Stop Pedaling!

Riding bikes as a means of transportation is on the up and up. You’ve got Citi-Bike in NYC and many other bike sharing programs in metro areas. I applaud the efforts, it’s environmentally safe and its good to get off our asses and pedal! If you’re a true blue couch potato and need a bit more of a push to exercise, then perhaps you may need a Happy Ride!

Happy Ride is a vibrating bicycle seat that was cleverly crafted by the UK sex toy company sexshop365. This tantalizing invention slips right over your bike seat and provides you with vibrating sensations as you stroll along. It gets better, the bike seat from the gods comes with a remote to control vibrating speed! I hate to be a joy kill but I find it hard to do much of anything but moan and roll around during an orgasm so operating a bicycle would be a bit tricky, but I’m up for the challenge!

Training wheels are off people, cancel your spinning class and try out Happy Ride. For the full story check out the Daily Mail UK

Obviously a song comes to mind:

Happy Hump Day! Get to work! 😉

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