Night Owls Are More Relaxed About Casual Sex

white-1822497_640It seems night owls might be more open to, ahem, evening activities—especially casual ones. Night owls, who naturally prefer to wake up later and stay up longer, tend to have more relaxed attitudes towards casual sex, a new study finds. The study looked at the different behaviors of night owls and “larks” in terms of their willingness to engage in uncommitted sex.

According to the study, larks, who are early to bed and early to rise, are likely to be more conservative sexually. But night owls are more open towards casual encounters and are more likely to fantasize about strangers. However, when it came to their actual behavior, only the female nightowls actually had more one-night stands (than female larks); male nightowls did not.

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Check out more about a study that shows night owls are more open to casual sex:

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