Nokia ‘Brick’ Phones Make Excellent Sex Toys, Survey Finds

It seems those old Nokia brick phones are finding a way to stay relevant—as sex toys! A new survey found that resourceful women in India are using the old Nokia phones as vibrators. As Daily Dot explains, “Much like the rest of the phone, the vibrating engine in Nokia brick phones is abnormally strong, making it an effective alternative to vibrators, which are difficult to come by in India.”

After the survey was published, hordes of Twitter users attested to the near cult-status of the Nokia-as-vibrator: “Either my neighbour has a really old Nokia that keeps ringing or they’re sampling out a new vibrator #earthquake.” It seems the women in India are really on to something with their repurposed vintage phones—since the brick phones are basically indestructible, they’ll never need to worry about buying a new one to satisfy their sexual urges. It also seems Nokia is in on the phone’s pleasurable secret—the redesigned 3310 just went on sale in India!

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Check out how Indian women are using Nokia brick phones as sex toys here:

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