Ocean Sounds Can Make You Cum Better, Audio Erotica Expert Claims

The founder of an erotic audio company claims listening to the sound of crashing waves can help train the brain to have better orgasms. The businesswoman recently gave a TED talk explaining why sound is intrinsic to sexual pleasure. She said listening to less obviously erotic noises can expand a person’s imagination, and sexual horizons.

“It is not a betrayal to use your imagination to bring you more pleasure,” she said. “Fantasy is a safe space, and it’s time we bust the myth that what you fantasize about and what you want to happen in reality are always the same thing.” She explained sounds—not words—can often be a gateway to fantasy. The sound of waves crashing against the shore, for instance, can induce listeners into a state of relaxation, which in turn produces better orgasms.

Want to explore your fantasies? Come use your imagination at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about how ocean sounds can make you cum better: https://nypost.com/2022/04/21/ocean-sounds-can-make-orgasms-better-audio-erotica-expert/

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