Reddit Shares What Happens In Real-Life Sex That Is Never Seen In Porn

just4pleasureArt doesn’t always imitate life—especially porn. Let’s be honest, porn isn’t exactly known for always showing a realistic depiction of sex. Here’s how Reddit users answered the question, “What happens in real-life sex that you never see in porn?”

  1. “Having to take a drink because their mouth gets dry during a blowjob.”
    We’re only human!
  2. “Stopping during oral to remove a pube from their tongue.”
    It’s been known to happen…
  3. “Temporarily losing an erection while moving between positions.”
    Newton’s law: what goes up must come down.
  4. “Accidentally head-butting or elbowing.”
    Enter at your own risk…
  5. “Leg cramping up, farting, and giggling.”
    Happens to the best of us!
  6. “Pets watching and/or jumping on the bed to check out what’s going on.”
    Fido, down!
  7. “Waddling to the toilet before anything drips out of the body.”
    Ah, yes—the after-sex waddle.
  8. “Arguing over who sleeps on the wet spot afterwards.”
    Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!

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Check out more about what happens in real-life sex that never happens in porn:

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