Rhode Island Wants To Charge Citizens $20 To Access Internet Porn

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_moneysexRhode Island lawmakers want citizens to pay an entry charge to watch adult entertainment online. In an attempt to regulate “sexual content or potentially offensive material,” two democrats proposed a bill that, if passed, would force internet-service providers to enable a “digital content blocking capability” to target sexual content as defined under the state statute. That is, depictions and descriptions of sex, whether “normal or perverted, actual or simulated,” “sadomasochistic abuse,” and images of masturbation—in other words, all porn would be banned.

Unfortunately, now that net neutrality rules have been repealed, the porn-blocking bill could actually become a law. Opponents of the bill are pointing out that it violates the First Amendment’s free speech protections, not to mention all the crucial bits of information the bill leaves out. It doesn’t specify who decides what is considered sexual content or clarify how the lawmakers even came up with a $20 fee. Come on, Rhode Island—instead of a porn fee, just let porn be free!

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Check out more about Rhode Island’s porn fee: https://www.dailydot.com/debug/rhode-island-porn-fee/

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